Strengths Discovery

Help your employees find and apply their strengths to their careers

Strenghts Discovery Product Preview
Benefits List

Strengths discovery is foundational for career growth

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Strengths awareness
Make it seamless for employees find and communicate their strengths so they can succeed in their current roles and pursue their career goals.
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Values Alignment
To advance employee engagement and motivational drive, help your employees communicate their personal values and create alignment with their work duties.
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To save time, employees can easily add strengths from popular strengths frameworks or define their own strengths based on self-reflection

Allow each employee to discover and communicate their strengths

Employees who are aware of and apply their top strengths are 18x more likely to succeed (Hone et al., 2015). Use 15Five to help your people communicate their strengths and ensure their roles are aligned with what they're good at.

Conveniently integrate with popular strengths frameworks

Enable your people to choose strengths from popular strengths frameworks and have productive career conversations with their managers.

Strengths List

Get started with Strengths Discovery

Take the first step in helping your employees grow their careers

The Science

15Five’s Career Hub Empowers Employees to Design a Strengths-Based Development Path

Read the science behind how 15Five can help your employees grow their careers by becoming more self-aware and playing to their strengths.

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